Jos 24:22 And Joshua said unto the people, Ye are witnesses against yourselves that ye have chosen you the LORD, to serve him. And they said, We are witnesses.
Here we are at the last recorded dealings with Joshua and Israel. In the 40 years that he was the general, we also saw him as their spiritual leader. He was confirmed by God in sight of Israel and the children listened. In Chp 23 we saw Joshua bring the leaders together and encourage them to lead in the proper manner, now he brings the tribes together along with the leaders to give them the last challenge of his life. Joshua begins by presenting the nation of Israel in sight of the Lord and reminds them how God had chosen them, as in times past their forefathers didn't seek the Lord as they were serving other gods. Friend it is the same in our life, I don't remember looking for Jesus when He found me. It was because I was a sinner in need of a savior that He came my way and offered His life in my place for the remission of my sins, all I had to do was accept that atoning sacrifice. Joshua then reminds them how thier nation was born through the mud pits and bondage of Egypt, but by God hand they were delivered out and sent to possess a land that they did not labour for, and cities that they did not build. This land was prepared for them, just as our heavenly home is being prepared for us by the Lord Jesus Christ. You see Jesus said he would never leave us or forsake us, and I can't remember a day in my life when He hasn't provided all the necessities in life for, clothing, and a roof over my head. The Bible says to only trust Him, which in the Old Testament is a New Testament word for faith. Joshua then reminds them of Gods great care and His commandments to be #1 in their lives, if they would just put away all other gods and serve the Lord Jehovah then and only then would God continue to bless them above all measure, however if they decided that they wanted to serve other gods then they would be removed. Now all this was done in the sight of the leaders, the judges, and the tribes (people). I believe this was done so that all were in one accord as God is a God of order and free will. I believe God was giving them the option as a nation to make a decision, today friend you have a decision to make, will you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior and walk in fellowship with Him, or will you harden your heart and continue to serve the world and things contained therein? Remember it is appointed unto men to die once then the judgement, you never know when that hour, nay that minute may be where your life is over on this earth. Is it really worth it to fumble around and try to gain worldly possession and prestige? All the things gained today can in an instance be gone tomorrow. What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loose his own soul? I praise God in the presence of Joshua and in the sight of God the nation of Israel choose the Lord. They affirmed this by stating Jos 24:21 And the people said unto Joshua, Nay; but we will serve the LORD. They were sincere, they were setting themselves on the right track, now they must prepare for the next steps in their lives. In the beginning of the book of Joshua there is a death, and here at the end there are two. We see in the beginning it was with the death of Moses that brought Joshua in the position of leadership, and here at the end it is the death of Joshua, and the death of Eleazar the son of Aaron has died. Notice at the end of the book that there is no one commissioned to replace them, it is up to the children of Israel and their leaders, the judges to maintain what was done that day. Friend I hope that today would be the day, that like the children of Israel when challenged with the question of choose you this day whom ye will serve.. you would humble yourself if you haven't and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you may have eternal life and that I may rejoice with you in your decision and we will once day be brought up together in that Holy city prepared for you and me to worship at the feet of our King.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
And they said, We are witnesses
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6:00 AM
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