Tuesday, November 13, 2007

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Friends good day to you, as I have been studying I am looking at trying to grow in the faith and strive for maturity. As I read through Romans I came across this verse that is so encouraging, however the more I read it and meditated upon it, I was convicted of a few things. What I would like to do is break down what has been brought before me and be an encouragement to you today. I hear this verse like so many others mistreated and only halfway explained. First I would like to say that if you are not a child of God, i.e. Born Again as the bible states, then this verse will do you no good, no matter who says it to you, or how many times you may repeat it as some chant.Now I want to look at this sentence in its entirety and attempt to break this out.
And we know...we see here that we can know, and have faith in the word God at this point and juncture because it has been proven. It has been proven by the saints before, that through trial and tribulation that Paul was able to overcome, it was proven when Jesus our Savior was hung on the cross of Calvary that all might be saved. These two points show that we can know because of past experiences no matter how troubled they may have seem to been, they worked out for the glory of God and His purpose. Friend there should be no doubt in this verse as you and I also have been through trials and temptations, and in the end if you study it out completely you will see that it did work out for the good.That all things work..again all things work, there is a moving action behind this statement. God does not just allow things to happen in our lives, they work in our lives. Whether it be to bring some evil out, or to add grace in, situations are constantly at work in our lives.Work Together... this goes to show that they are synonymously working, there is no single working. As to the situation there is a reaction, therefore there must be a working together. During that working together it is the event that triggers the heart and mind to make a reaction. It is both of these stimuli that lets God work in our lives, either by obedience to His word or disobedience therefore allowing Him to receive the glory. You may ask how does God receive the glory through our disobedience, well friend, it just goes to prove Gods word is true, there are none righteous, no not one, and we are all in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ. Through our disobedience God is allowed to work in our lives proving His love for us. For Good...while we see the different elements at work here in this verse I love to talk about the goodness of God. It was His long suffering that allowed us time for repentance. Rom 2:4 Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering; not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? You see whether in riches, or poverty it is the goodness of God that leadeth. The other goodness is the manifold grace that is allowed to work in our lives, instructing us as we continue to walk with God in our daily bible reading and prayer time. The good that comes out of it is another step towards maturity able to accept situations for what they are, and learn to lean not to thy own understanding. To them that love God...you see here friend is when it starts to make application to our lives as Christians. I cannot see where people can encourage a nonbeliever with this verse as it pertains to those that love God. How do the lost know of the love of God if they have never put their trust in Him for their own salvation? Shame on the preacher that would write books, and preach from the pulpit to a lost and dying world that everything will be just OK because of half this verse. I would rather have them read the whole verse and use every word as I am trying to today. Maybe you are lost today friend and are trying to understand this verse and why things don't work out in your life, just go to your knees today, and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, then you can begin to understand what is that love that God had for you, and the love you can have for Him. To them who are called according to His purpose...once born again dear friend you will have been called, you may not exactly understand it now, however the call is a to a life of maturity and holiness that only the Lord can provide through Him and His love. Believer you are called to be a witness for Jesus Christ, and with that being said there will be many days and situations that this verse will apply in its fullness.

Sinner I love you today and maybe you have read this and feel led to just bow your head and ask the Lord Jesus Christ into your heart that you might be forgiven of all your sins because of the finished work on the cross of Calvary, or Saint you may be going through a trial or tribulation, but be strong and of a good courage because the Lord knows your needs and is willing and able to meet them.

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