Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths

Jer 6:16 Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk therein.

The Lord is great, He answered my prayers last night about our thanksgiving jubilee at Calvary Baptist Church. We started off the service with a wonderful family that sang together, what a blessing. If you have never heard them I encourage you to check them out they are sure to be a blessing http://www.ffministry.org/. Then it was time for the preaching, whew what a message for today's time. Bro Black from east Tennessee nailed the bulls eye in many areas that pertain to our lives as Christians. From the scripture he used it couldn't have been more relevant for us. I have went back and meditated on this and will write what the Lord has helped me to see.
1. Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths--don't leave doctrinal teaching for a compromising generation, it may not bring in the crowds like modern day rock concerts, but bless God it still glorifies Him by faithfulness. There are enough things in this world to satisfy the flesh and the church house should not be one of them. The bible says to see, I like to think that would mean to open our eyes and watch our lives, how are we living? Are we glorifying God, or walking farther from Him? Ask for the old paths, remember dear friends that there is nothing new under the sun as the preacher says in Ecclesiastes. The bible, the Word of God does not have to be re-written to make it understandable for a new generation, no dear friend to understand it you must be born again. Leave that perverted version you may have alone and get a good King James bible.
2. Where is the good way, and walk therein--the bible says in Pro 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death. Then the bible is very clear that there is the way of the righteous person, and we are to desire to walk in righteousness with God, and He will keep us, guide us, and lead us in all truth through His Son Jesus Christ. The bible says to walk therein, the Lord didn't say come to the church hear the message and sit down, no the the Lord commanded us that we are to be doers, not hearers only..so get up today and walk in the commandments of the Lord.
3. and ye shall find rest for your souls-- what a joy it is to know the God in heaven knows that these bodies and minds are feeble at best, we are given opportunity to rest. we can rest in His love, we can have rest for our souls because of the Lord Jesus Christ and the finished work on the cross of Calvary, no more do we have to wander. The Lord said in Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Now brings me to the saddest part of today's devotion, But they said, We will not walk therein. What a shame to be so bold in heart, we are constantly walking some way, why does it have to be in opposition to God? Friends, Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Why continue to harden your hearts and push away from a wonderful God who sent His only begotten Son to die for your sins? Won't you accept Him today? This may be the only opportunity for you to know that the Lord Jesus Christ laid down His life as a sacrifice for the remission of your sins that you may have eternal life and fellowship with Him. Friend if you can take a moment to quit walking in unrighteousness and stand, and see what the Lord has done for you concerning salvation, then ask for forgiveness of your sins, and call upon His name then thou shalt be saved!! Glory to God in the highest you can begin a new walk and live in fellowship with Him. Bless you dear reader today, I hope that you are able to praise the Lord Jesus Christ with your heart, and confess Him with your mouth.

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