Friday, December 14, 2007

Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.

Psa 26:2 Examine me, O LORD, and prove me; try my reins and my heart.

Good morning friends, wow its been a couple of days since I've said that. Well it is inventory prep time at my facility and I have been very focused on counting every part and locating everything. Now when I started doing this I said boy this is going to be easy there are only a couple thousand parts to have, however as we kept going forward I found stuff that I really didn't even have on my books. The Bible in the above verse invited the Lord to examine David, and to prove David. I believe that before David foolishly asked this of God that he did a pre-inventory of his own life. I started thinking how that pertains to our lives, the Bible says in 2Co 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? You see we are to take an inventory of our lives and see whether we be in the faith, we are to look and see where we stand, whether it be with God, or against God. IF we would examine ourselves, then we would not judge others but we would be looking inward and seeing where we are falling short. I was also thinking about those little sins in life that we may not be aware of. You know those sins of omission that we might not be aware of yet because we haven't studied our Bibles, or we haven't been in the church house so they haven't been brought before us? Remember dear Friend it is a daily walk with Jesus that helps us to grow, while we are looking at ourselves and comparing ourselves with scripture to see where we stand let us not forget that God is always taking note of what is going on in our lives. Instead of being like this present world and doing inventory once a quarter, or once a year, let us take inventory daily. If we were to do this in light of Gods Word then my friend I believe that we wouldn't let a sin debt build up in us. I also believe that we would grow more because we would constantly be digging into the Word and learning and heeding to honor God. Friend I challenge you today to take a pause and do a little inventory in your life to brush away the cobwebs and see where you stand according to scripture, and not this world. I can tell you that the Bible says; if we confess our sins, then He is faithful and just to forgive us of them, and when the Bible says He it is referring to Jesus Christ. Then as David was able to boldly come before God and petition him to examine him we to can ask God to examine us and see where we stand. Now don't let any of this discourage you friend as the more we are able to look at ourselves against scripture the more God will honor this by allowing us to see what we have to work on in our lives. Then as we get the things out of our lives and put the Word of God into our lives you will come to see that you are walking with God instead of against Him. May God bless.

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