Wednesday, January 9, 2008

And I will give you pastors according to mine heart

Jer 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

Good morning dear friends and readers. As I have been walking thru Jeremiah this verse stuck out to me. I thank God for my Pastor, and that my Pastor submitted to his calling. Folks if you have not figured out yet, it is God who sends His man to a local church to be the under shepherd. Dear friends I want to encourage you to be a blessing to your Pastor. I hear so many stories of people that have Pastor stew after Sunday morning preaching, I hear of so many fickle people that try to run down the man of God. David himself when he was under the leadership of a man that he did not desire even said that he would not raise up his hand against God's anointed. David was wise enough to understand that it was God who is in control and it is God who chooses whom He will. Friends from the above verse we are all accountable to understand it is not in our power of who fills the pulpit. We have no right to usurp the authority of God and put just any man into the pulpit. If it were not for God sending us a Pastor, we would all walk around puffed up with our own interpretations and differing knowledge of the Word of God. If it were not for a Pastor who would care enough to lift our name in prayer daily, or visit us when we are sick, or correct us in love when we are wrong, then who would. If it were not for God to send us His man and to have charge over us, then we would all be in a huge mess. Friend if your in a church without a Pastor then I earnestly ask you to pray and seek God's will and ask Him for the man that should fill the pulpit. Please don't be like the nation of Israel who took their eyes off of a Holy God and looked at other nations and desired a King. Let God choose and send whom He will, please stay humbled to His will for you and your church. Church member, please get behind your Pastor, his desires, his vision for the church. Support him and lift up him and his family that Satan might not get a foothold in their lives. Support your Pastor by being faithful to the preaching, and the work that needs to be done for the glory of God! Friend if it wasn't for God sending a dear Pastor in my life I would be ship wrecked in the faith, and standing on sinking sand. He cared enough to explain things to a hard headed sinner, he cared enough to visit with me and my family, and ultimately he cared enough for my soul. Dear reader if you find yourself in a country without a church, or a pastor then I want you to cry unto the Lord God of heaven who will in no doubt hear your prayer, and ask God that He might send a man your way to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to you and your nation. The Bible says in Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Dear reader beg the Lord for a preacher, and that the Lord would put it into some pastors heart to submit to the call of a foreign field, or to a local church to stand up and lead as the Lord ordains. Desire the man that would be after the heart of God, and don't be taken by some wolf in sheep's clothing, don't look for a man that would just tell you things to make you feel better, no friend desire a pastor that the Lord would send your way that you might be built up in the faith through faithful preaching and teaching according to the Word of God.

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