Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Eph 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
Good day friends, I have been reading some old material that I had laying around and came across some about being involved in peoples lives as Christians. Now not for being nosey, or overbearing, or for personal gain, no this involvement in their lives should be for the glorifying of our Lord and Savior. I am so excited because in the last few months I have seen the Lord save so many, now I feel the burden to not let them go and let them be just saved! I want to see them grow in the faith and help our pastor in doing so. I want to see them become involved in the Lords work and let God be glorified through the change in their lives! First I should make an important statement, to help these new converts they should be encouraged to understand who the pastor is and his role in their lives! We should never undermine the guidance, lessons, and love that the pastor is going to put into their lives. We should come along side our pastor and ask, "how can I help", otherwise we will be teaching them wrong from the beginning no matter what our good intentions are. Otherwise dear reader I want to encourage you today on some reasons why we should be involved in assisting the pastor in working in whatever way we can.
- For the work of the ministry: if we will help the pastor then there can be more things done in the ministries of your church. If these young converts are given a good example by you whole heartily following the Lord and serving under your pastor then there is no telling what could be done through your church and you. You must be in complete submission to the Lord and do things according to His Word.
- For the edifying of the body of Christ: that is to encourage others around you and the young in Christ for the service of God. Give yourself over to God for His use and get with the pastor and his vision for the church. This will only strengthen your church by encouraging others to get on board and serve!
- Till we all come in the unity of the faith: That is to show these new babes in Christ how to become a part of the church family, to fellowship, to follow, and to fear the Lord with all reverence. We are to do this for our own selves also so we can continue to grow and be strengthened! We are to be doing this until the Lords glorious return.
- Unto a perfect man: Lets get this point straight before it gets out of control..there was only one perfect, that is sinless man and that was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The word perfect here means "mature". We are to pull alongside these young ones in the faith and help them to mature, we are to encourage them to grow beyond just saying I am saved! We must help them build their lives for the glory of God.
Friends when we are able to see these new converts start to grasp the deeper things in the Word of God, and then see them surrender to serve Him, then watch out because it might just make you give a huge AMEN to the Lord. Friends I just want to see those that are saved not fall into the old trap of pew warming and church number filling. I desire to see them become mature Christians that would spread the gospel and show the world what the Lord has done!...
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