Thursday, January 17, 2008

In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world

Joh 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Good morning friends and readers. Well it snowed a little in Tennessee and my family and I had a fun time watching the flakes fall and the fun of a snowman and snowballs. What an enjoyable moment in a turbulent world. I have been going through the book of John slowly and I came across the last verse here of Chapter 16. In it the Lord Jesus makes it pretty plain for the cures of the common problem of this world, and how to have comfort in this physical world. The answer dear friend is Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus was just explaining to His disciples about His death, Resurrection and return, this is a part of the gospel message, and Jesus was explaining that in this present world there would be tribulations, there would be a time when people that kill you because you believe in Jesus Christ that they are doing God service. This is very relevant in today's world as we have other religions that are bloody religions that say if you don't believe in their god then you must die, now they assume that they are worshipping the true God, however they are very blinded and confused. If you were to read the Bible and understand who the true God, Jehovah God, then you would understand that in order to serve Him, you must be born again, that is accepting the final sacrifice for your sins which is Jesus Christ. Having true faith in God means you understand that God wishes no one to perish and die and go to hell, no my friend instead He has sent His Son to sacrifice His life for us, not for Christians to force people to serve Him. We are not told to kill, instead we are commanded to forgive, we are commanded to preach the gospel, we are commanded to let the world know of Jesus Christ. Now back to knowing peace in a world of tribulation and turmoil. We are comforted through Christ to know that this world will not last for eternity, however He is and will come again to receive us to be with Him. At this time friends during that rapture day our trials and tribulations will be over forever more. Jesus tells His disciples to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world, and therefore if we are His then we through Him can overcome the problems in our lives. Friend I encourage you today to put your faith in Christ and accept what He has said, and that He will fulfill it as His promise. The Bible says that there is no other name under heaven whereby men must be saved, friends it cannot be by your works, your position in life, your money, your family name. Friends your salvation and peace in life could only come by Jesus Christ, having put your faith in Him and the finished work on the cross nothing more. Because of the cross He went to the grave, and when He was resurrected it proved that He had overcome the world! Praise God that Jesus is alive and coming again! Are you ready?

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