Monday, January 7, 2008

More About Jesus

More about Jesus I would know,More of His grace to others show;More of His saving fullness see,More of His love who died for me.
Refrain:More, more about Jesus,More, more about Jesus;More of His saving fullness see,More of His love who died for me.
More about Jesus let me learn,More of His holy will discern;Spirit of God, my teacher be,Showing the things of Christ to me.
More about Jesus, in His Word,Holding communion with my Lord;Hearing His voice in every line,Making each faithful saying mine.
More about Jesus on His throne,Riches in glory all His own;More of His kingdom’s sure increase;More of His coming, Prince of Peace.

Good Morning my dear friends and what a glorious day is today. I wanted to give you a song that has touched my heart since last night as I was thinking about the lyrics during a sermon our Pastor preached. The message last night was about "more", now a lot of people want more stuff, more riches, and more attention. Our Pastor had us thinking a little "more" about Jesus and where we stand with Him. Do you find yourself falling short in your desires to attain "more" stuff? Well then let me encourage you to abandon the worlds "more" and think "more" about Jesus. The Bible says that in order to know more about Him you must read His Word and the Word of life will be opened unto you if you seek Him. Another way to know "more" about Jesus is to spend time in prayer with Him. Friend let me encourage you to find yourself knowing "more" about our Lord and Savior than you have in the past. Jeremiah 33:3 says Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Friend if you would just call upon the name of the Lord that way He may show you "more" of Himself. Friend from the above song I am hoping you can see that knowing "more" about Jesus will lead you into a greater relationship with Him.Friend if you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior I would encourage you to write to me and allow me to show you what the Bible says about Him, to know "more" about salvation full and free!

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