Tuesday, January 29, 2008

When thou shalt vow a vow

Deu 23:21 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.

Good morning friends, I praise God for His long suffering, mercy, and grace. I had been doing some daily reading and I took some time to stop and pray for a little while. During this quite time with the Lord I was able to look back in my life and ask the Lord what I have not been doing that I might have said I would. Wouldn't you know that when that question was asked in my heart that there were some things brought out! Well I have asked for forgiveness and I believe that the Lord has forgiven me of my sin in not performing what I said I would do in the past, however I do believe that I need to make it right so I will put my hand to the task that I had vowed to do lest it become sin in my life again. Boy did I feel guilty when I started thinking about what I should've been doing as I had vowed this with the Lord, then my guilt took me to shame, and as I was meditating on this vow I have seen how the above verse applies! The Lord has ALWAYS kept His portion of any promise made unto us, and how quick we are to forget, or be sidetracked after making a vow. Friends don't be fooled God has a way of getting what is rightfully His! I have seen how God has been patient with me in this vow, and I also see how God has allowed me to have this brought before me so that I may make it right with Him so that our fellowship will not be constrained! Glory to God for His understanding, I wished that I was just as understanding when people made a promise to me and they don't keep it, instead of getting all huffy and puffy, I pray that I am understanding and genuinely forgiving so that they may learn from their ways also. This morning has been such a blessing to me for me to be able to feel as though a load was lightened in my life because of the mercy of a loving God! Friend, I encourage you today to be patient with people when they have promised, or vowed to do something, forgive them and work with them that you and they might be in reconciliation and have your friendships intact. I also have this verse come to mind now that I think even more on this subject this morning...2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

Friend the Lord promised us that in while we were yet sinners He made a way for us to repent of those sins and to gain everlasting life through Jesus Christ, His Son! The Lord has given us the way to come, and He has provided this very day for you to repent and inherit eternal life because of His love. Don't delay, and don't be slack in your decision for tomorrow may never arrive! If you have told God that you would repent and turn from your sins and serve Him, then do it, lest it be counted against you for sin and your fellowship with Him be in contention in your heart. If you have made a vow and it has now been brought back into your mind after reading this, then stop and ask for Gods forgiveness and get back to doing it and complete it that way you may give God the glory!

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