Wednesday, February 13, 2008

And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,

Luk 19:41 And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it,

Good morning dear friends, another glorious day to be alive and tell the world about Jesus. Well we received some flurries last night and is cold outside today! I kind of like the US Postal services motto "neither rain, nor sleet, or snow" they say that in reference to delivering the mail. Our motto as Christians should be “persecutions, tumults, or afflictions" we should be steadfast and able to share to the world the wonderful good news of our Savior! It amazes me up here in Tennessee that whenever there is a little flurry on the ground that the daily activates of life come to a screeching halt? Well in no doubt there will be some that will lay out of church tonight just for that reason. What a shame to use something as petty as a light misting to stay out of the house of God and hear His Word read and preached! Friends let me encourage you to go the extra mile and whenever the church house doors are opened to find yourself in them. You never know how the Lords going to bless unless your in His presence. I can think of our missionaries on the field, how much they have to endure besides just the weather, sometimes it is culture that is a strain. To learn how to live amongst a culture that doesn't have the freedoms of speech like we do must be agonizing sometimes, especially for a preacher! However that doesn't deter them from doing what God has called them to do. They find a way to share with others in the field they are in to share with them Jesus Christ and His salvation for man. If you have never read the book FOXES BOOKOF THE MARTYRS then I would encourage you to pick up a copy and read it, I believe that here in America with all our freedoms the only way we can understand some of the persecutions that go on are through the witness of those that live out their lives for the Lord Jesus Christ. You see friends here in America we haven't even begun to see persecution as of yet. Have we been beaten, scarred, threatened of death for speaking, or preaching in the name of Jesus Christ? Some of the very missionaries that we supported to Venezuela had to leave because they were forced out of that country. Friends it’s not like they weren't productive members of that society, they were forced out because of their love for Jesus Christ. I can encourage you to look to your left and read some of the blogs of other missionaries that I know and what is going on in the countries that they are serving in. Friends let us not forget though about our own personal mission field, the one we walk right out into everyday. Look upon your city and as Jesus looked out upon the city he wept over it as the Bible says. When was the last time that you took a moment and looked out across the street, or across the office, or in your workplace and you noticed people trying to figure out if there is truly more to this body than what we presently face? Well dear friend if you don't know there is, there is life forever more in Christ Jesus, and through the washing of the blood of the Savior for the remission of our sins, there is eternal life with Him and the Father in heaven. If you are born again, then friend share with those that are around you the good news, and be a witness for Jesus Christ and what He has done in your life! The Bible says in Mat 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. Be not ashamed of what Christ has done, remember what your life was like before you were saved, and remember the shame you had when you realized that you were a sinner in need of a Savior? Why be ashamed of the God that set you free from the bondage of sin? Friends I pray that you would truly get a burden for souls, and that the burden you get would bring you to weeping, again as the Bible says in Psa 126:6 He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him. Friends, be ye laborers with me as we go forth sowing and reaping, weeping and rejoicing in the Lord.

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