Tuesday, February 5, 2008

For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father

Jer 12:6 For even thy brethren, and the house of thy father, even they have dealt treacherously with thee; yea, they have called a multitude after thee: believe them not, though they speak fair words unto thee.

Good morning dear friends. In continuing my reading in Jeremiah we see that the prophet has come to a point and place and is allowed to reason with God on behalf of the people. After talking with God and asking why the wicked seem to prosper, and the evils they do seem to go unpunished the Lord then starts answering Jeremiah. We get to the above verse and we see that God is warning Jeremiah about the people and the priests who at this time have become wicked and deceitfully used people. Just as in today's time these priests have become fleshly in their desires, and they enjoy the rule, power, and prestige of the priesthood instead of leading people to a Holy God. Friend let me encourage you today to be careful to what you may listen to when it comes across the TV, or the radio, there are plenty of false teachers and preachers out there today that enjoy the titles, and the prestige but as the Bible states their hearts are far from God. We in America have just enough Bible words in our vocabulary to impress folks, but not enough of God in our life's to persuade folks to turn to Jesus and ask for repentance. The above verse was warning Jeremiah that not was it only the priests, but is was all those that claimed to love God that surrounded themselves around Jeremiah as if they were truly listening what the prophet was telling them. Friends sometimes I hate to say this, but those there are in the Lords house some that are just as evil as those on the outside. God is telling Jeremiah that the false teachers and such have used the people treacherously. The Lord wanted to answer Jeremiah and tell him not to worry about those with deceit in their lives, because what they sow, they shall reap. He warned Jeremiah to be careful of the words that they praise God with, for they are deceitful in their hearts. Today I would just encourage you as the Lord was Jeremiah to not look at what we think should be happening as punishment for those that walk according to this world, but that we might stay focused on Jesus and look upon the great burden that is laid upon us as necessity, and that is telling the world about Jesus Christ and His atonement for our sins! Let us remember to live our lives as such that when men see us they see the fruit of the Spirit of God abiding within us, and so much that they would enquire why we are different from all others. We are called out dear friends to live a separated life from the things of this world that we might point others to Christ and Christ alone! Do not become obsessed with why punishment is not being dealt to those we know are living a sinful life, for they will answer to the Lord for that, let us however, press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.

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