Friday, February 29, 2008

Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude

Mat 15:32 Then Jesus called his disciples unto him, and said, I have compassion on the multitude, because they continue with me now three days, and have nothing to eat: and I will not send them away fasting, lest they faint in the way.
Good morning friends, we had another awesome night in Missions Revival as we were blessed by the sweet spirit that has continued to be with us so far! We were able to hear from Bro. Alexander Spear about the burden that the Lord has placed on his heart to reach the people on the island of Puerto Rico! Again the preaching was great as we were able to hear from Bro. Carl Stanly going to Tanzania. It seems the Lord has impressed upon his heart to continue with the theme of compassion, and if you look at what was preached last night then you would see it fits right in with the overall theme of our Missions Revival "God Giveth The Increase"! You see it was compassion that lead the Lord to look upon the crowd and it was the same compassion no doubt that the disciples were finally able to see in order for them to understand that there was more to the Messiah than just setting up His Kingdom, for what would be in the Kingdom if people were dying and going to hell? If you study out the scripture that is referenced then you will see because of the great multitude there was also a great increase! I believe with that increase there was a new motivation for the disciples, there was a new increase in their faith to accomplish what the Lord had set out to do in people's lives! Friends if we could look upon the multitudes as we look at the nightly news, if we could look upon the multitudes during our daily commute and look upon the wearied faces of those searching for something then maybe we could be driven by compassion to share the Holy Word of God with them, and show them Jesus the Savior. Friends it is only until we get a true burden to weep for the dying and lost before God will move in our lives to loosen us up for the work at hand. Friends let us not stick our heads in the sand and just drop a check in the offering plate just so we can feel at ease in our conscience, but instead let us enter into the labors of the vineyard and truly get a burden for lost people, that we might pray and weep the more earnestly for their souls. In the book of Jude it says in
Jud 1:22 And of some have compassion, making a difference: friend if we could just be moved with compassion to make a difference. In the main text it says that because of the multitudes desire to hear the Savior that they needed fed, now no doubt the Lord fed them out His substance that is the bread of Life, but we also see the compassion of the Lord to know when we have endured yet for a little while and need to have certain needs met, and did the Lord ever meet those needs, you see friends the Lord knew exactly how far they could go in life, and He was there to provide. Friends the Lord can provide in your life also if you would just allow Him to be your all in all. Dear reader I beg of you today to come unto the Lord not just for the temporal feeding of the belly, but that He might feed you spiritually that you might be full and wanting nothing! Well I look forward to another great night of Revival and look forward to hearing from the Philippino national that God has called to reach his own people!

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