Friday, February 15, 2008

Why stand ye gazing up into heaven?

Act 1:11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. Good morning friends, I have been thinking about our missions revival and am waiting patiently for it to begin. I came across this verse and the part that stood out to me the most is the phrase "why stand ye gazing"? Now this can be answered in 2 ways that could affect how we look at things today. The first is we always ought to be ready for the Lord, and like a watchman we ought to be heralding the cry of the Saviors return, now I don't know what day, time, or year that may be but if you read your Bible enough that could be any day. So we always ought to be prepared to answer folks that are lost why we are always looking up toward a Holy God. They don't know of His redemption, nor do they know of His return for if they did then they wouldn't ask that question they would be watching and waiting themselves. Now the second way I like to think of this phrase that the angels spoke unto the men of Galilee is by the time that they spent gazing. I am sure that they were tremendously amazed still at the ascension of our Lord and that must have made them take a pause to marvel at the wonders of it. Now according to the Bible the angels encouraged them that the same way Jesus had went up in glory, the same way He shall return. Now friends we have seen that the disciples had witnessed this fulfillment of the scriptures now it is time to move on and get to action, for if they stayed in that one spot gazing off into heaven, would that bring the Lord back any sooner, I think not. You see we can take time in our lives to stand in the amazement of what the Lord does, but sooner or later we have to get back to action, that is serving Him. Sometimes people linger to long in the paused mode instead of the play mode, just don't become complacent in serving for the Lord. I have found in my life that whenever I take a long break from something it takes time to get going again, however if I just thank God for what’s been done and get going again its easier for me to tackle the next job. Friends may you be encouraged to not linger and stand gazing off into space, but see what has been done and be motivated to do more! May you see that there is a need in this world for more people to spread the gospel message than there is for people to just warm a pew. Friends if you are saved then you have a commission to fulfill, that means there is no time to stand and gaze into heaven, for we know that the Lord will return in the blink of an eye, friends instead of the Lord returning and finding you standing idly by, wouldn’t it be far greater if He found you working in His fields?
Lord I thank you for today, I thank you that there is a calling on my life to do, rather than to be idle. I pray for those today that may be set back in their service, or in their lives by some problem, I pray that you would encourage them and lead them back into action for your honor and your glory. Lord may we be doers and not hearers only, striving to proclaim the gospel until your coming again!

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