1Co 3:8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
Isn't the love of Jesus something wonderful, friends I can say truly it is! I woke up with this song on my mind very early this morning,and what a great day I look forward to. Yesterday was another awesome day as we (Calvary Baptist) were privileged to host our first preachers fellowship! I think our Pastor was greatly encouraged because we had a good crowd, and the preaching was excellent! Our Pastor had his Pastor, Bro. Redman in to start off the preaching and what an encouraging message it was to hear about sticking by the old time religion, the old time singing, and the old time preaching of the word. We may not always be liked for what we preach, but praise the Lord it is the truth straight from the Word of God in love, to see others change their lives for God's glory! Were not in it for the glory ourselves, no friend, but that Christ might be glorified by people coming unto Him and giving themselves in humility, and honor, that He might cleanse their souls for the remission of sins from this world and be born again. Then we had Bro. Tom Wallace come and preach for us, and he had a message of "This place is the only place, there isn't another place like this place". He encouraged us to stay in the fight and treat our ministries right and thank God for the ministry that He has called us into, and that there shouldn't be all this ministry hopping going on. Our personal ministries should be the like "this is my ministry, and there is no ministry like my ministry", and we should do all that we are called to do for the glory of God! Again we were blessed by some excellent singing by the Hinkle Family for our fellowship. As we continued throughout the day we had one other nursing home for them to visit, then on to our own nursing home ministry yesterday evening to finish things off. What a blessing it has been to be around this family, and how genuine they are in their life. Let me tell you that Pop Hinkle sure can eat....just kidding Pop. Now friends as the above verse states, every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. What are you labouring for today? It is riches laid up here on earth that moth and rust doth corrupt, or are they riches set up in heaven that are everlasting? I want to encourage you to labour today to bring God the glory, win a soul over that your labour might not be in vain. I know we all have to have jobs to pay bills, but what bills have we created in place of the regular necessities of life? When we could be giving more labour to the Lord, we are usually labouring for material things. friends I just want you to think about the sweat and toil for those things, is it really worth it, or could time be spent far better by going out soul winning, or maybe just doing something simple around the church house to support your pastor? Not all labour has to be glorifying in the flesh, but all labor dome with the motive can be God glorifying, then will come the reward!
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