Tuesday, March 4, 2008

My grace is sufficient for thee:

Good afternoon dear friends, I find myself posting a little later today than normal because I was just restless from sleep last night and when I awoke I had appointments to get to! Well anyway I wanted to at least get something written for your encouragement. I know the pastor is feeling a little under the weather, and we all have been touched by the flu bug here in Tennessee within the last month and a lot of folks have been down and out , both spiritually and physically. All that to say this as the Lord said unto Joshua..Be strong and of a good courage! Friends I am so glad that even in my sickness He is still my Lord and Savior! We are to be strong through our afflictions and of a good courage through our trials! I like it when I might be a little under the weather and I just need to something to lift me up spiritually and I can go to the Word of God and find encouragement in 2Co 12:9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Friends when we are at our weakest and no man may have the answer then glorify God that He has allowed you to think and turn to Him for the answer. It is usually in my weakest moments that I draw closer to God, because as the Bible states "lean not unto thy own understanding, that draws me closer to Him and to understand that what I am going through may just be for a season. Friends I encourage you today if you might find yourself a little under the weather and a little downtrodden to pick up your Bibles and be encouraged through His Word that the Lord give you grace that is sufficient to bring you through! Friends if by chance you don't know the grace of God, that is the forgiveness of sin by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and the finished work on the cross of Calvary, then I beg you today to turn to Him. Let the Lord come into your life and renew your body, mind, and soul by the remission of your sins for eternity, that you may inherit eternal life through Him and be born again!

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