Friday, March 7, 2008

That ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father

1Jn 1:3 That which we have seen and heard declare we unto you, that ye also may have fellowship with us: and truly our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.

Good morning again and praise God for another wonderful day. We had a great time at church last night, and afterwards we had some more wonderful fellowship! You might ask what in the world were you doing at church on a Thursday night? Well friends whenever those doors are open, if I am not providentially hindered then you’ll find me among God’s people in God’s house! We were going through a visitation training class that the Pastor is teaching so that we may better glorify our Savior by being prepared whenever we may come across folks during our visitation time, or if were just out and about on our own! It has been a good study so far and I believe we are all getting something out of it. We have learned that some have fears and others are just too proud to let theirs be known yet. It’s encouraging being around others that are like minded and want to see people come to the knowledge and understanding of our dear Savior. We even had one new person join the study, and what a blessing that was. Afterwards we all went to Dairy Queen and fellowshipped for a while over some hamburgers, fries, and a half eaten sandwich from the Pastor. He was making room for his blizzard, so I being the human garbage disposal for our group ate it. Friends I just want to encourage you to find your place in the house of God and amongst His people, you’ll never know what your missing out on unless you get around them. I used to remember before I was saved, and when I used to persecute my dear wife for hanging out with all those “Bible Thumpers” that I thought I was cool. Well friends isn’t the love of Jesus wonderful, for He has allowed me to become one of those “Bible Thumpers” after He so graciously saved me! I just can’t express how much in words I love God, my family, my Pastor and his family, our church, and the sweet sweet fellowship that He has brought me into! During the rough days, you know when the world just seems to be a little bigger than you can handle, then I can look to my God and say please Lord help me. Friend if you don’t know the fellowship of the Savior then that means you are probably lost, the Lord Himself has said come and dine. That is be a partaker of everlasting life that He has provided by His death, burial and resurrection for our sins. All you have to do friend is call upon the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and believe in your heart that He died, arose, and is coming again, confess this with your mouth and the Bible says in Rom 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Rom 10:10 For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Friends then enter into His rest, and enter into fellowship with the saints of God by being faithful to church, and your pastor because of the love of Christ. I just wanted to encourage you folks today, it seems on my blog that most of the hits to it are for the entry titled “And forsaking not the assembly of yourselves together”. Friends there must be a desire in some of your hearts for true worship and true fellowship, so I just want to encourage you to find a true Bible teaching, Hell preaching, Sin hating, Missions minded, Independent, Fundamental Baptist church. One friend that has a pastor that cares for your souls and one that will pray with you, love you, and teach you according to the Word of God. If for some reason you don’t know of one please contact me and I will try to help you in any way I can to find one close to you. Leave a comment, or e-mail me it would encourage me to know that you have a desire to learn more about Jesus. Friends have a blessed day.

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