Thursday, May 15, 2008

Being confident of this very thing

Php 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

Well good morning my dearly beloved readers and friends. I have been quite busy and also praying on which direction to take this blog. Now that I have a Teen Sunday School class to teach I thought that I would aim this at them and give them something to read for devotionals while in-between our Sundays. This does not mean that this will be fruitless for you to look at if your not in our Sunday School class, but I hope and pray that it will encourage you the same way if you have followed along since this Blogs inception. What I will do is go over some of the material that I didn't get to cover during the Sunday School hour and also give them something to think about for the upcoming week. With this younger generation it seems that this also could prove to be an effective communication tool as I see more and more teens texting and such. Well the teen building is almost complete, we still need to under gird it, put the ceiling in, paint the floor, and plant flowers if you have been following the status of that. I would ask that you pray for us this week coming as we are excited to have Evangelist JD Grush present to us his work on "Discoveries of Destiny", a walk through the Bible from an archaeological perspective. Pray that our hearts would be stirred because of the supporting information from the Bible to what archaeologists have found in this present day and age. I would also ask for prayer for the teen group since we have many upcoming events! Just to bring all you readers up to speed we have been in the book of Philippians and have started @ Chapter 1:1-12. We are looking at chapter 1 as the purpose of life, that is Christ. Our Key verse is 1:21 in which Paul gives plenty of supporting information on why it is that way for him since we find him in prison, ready to go before the Roman emperor. We have seen in vv 1-12 the following bits of information, Paul had the saints at Philippi:

  1. In his mind- all the things that he remembered were excellent thoughts
  2. In his heart- he longed for them, and wanted them to continue on
  3. In his prayers- that their love would abound, that they would approve excellent things, and that they would be sincere until the day of Christ

I like the verse that the Lord has had me thinking about because of the power behind that verse, it's three fold in nature as we can see through:

  • the work God does for us--that is salvation, remember it is by faith through grace, we cannot earn it, pay for it, or work for it. God did the work accept that finished work on the cross by Jesus Christ and His shed blood for the remission of our sins
  • the work God does in us- that is sanctification, daily coming before the throne of grace and receiving cleansing from our sinful ways. Cleansing our hands and our hearts as the Bible states. Be careful of what you are doing, and what your are desiring.
  • the work God does through us- that is service, God has at a minimum in every Christians life given us the work of the great commission to fulfill, and as Paul states in Rom 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

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