1Pe 2:11 Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;
No man goes to battle without first counting the cost, and no man goes into battle without the proper equipment! What a joy it is to know that our Lord and Savior has given to us the proper equipment to go into the fray. Like every good soldier knows not only having the proper equipment is important, but maintaining that equipment is equally important. When I was in the military everything from my rucksack to my weapon was meticulously looked after, why, because it could very well save my physical life. In the spiritual realm you can tell the disciplined soldier from the undisciplined by how well he maintains his equipment and puts it to use. Lets look at a few pieces of defensive equipment first today. (Ephesians 6:11, 13-17)
- The girdle of Truth- No soldier in the old Roman army would be caught without one, it tied all his armor in together, also allowing him mobility of movement to do battle, in later years the sword was attached to the belt. As we can see the belt kept everything in place otherwise it the armor would fall all over the place, just so in our lives also, the Truth will make you free, free to move about without retribution or worry. Truth through the Word of God, and Jesus Christ allows you to keep your life together so that you can do battle. How well have you put the Truth of Gods Word to use in your life?
- The breastplate of righteousness- Righteous living affects the heart, and just as the breastplate in the soldiers armor was designed to protect the heart, we need to ensure that we are living Biblical separated lives so that the devil cannot get to our hearts, this is accomplished by staying in the Word and heeded to Gods will. The Word of God says be ye Holy for I am Holy, are we trying to live Holy separated lives according to His word?
- The Sandals of the Gospel- Roman soldier wore sandals that had nails in them for footing so when they were battling they had a firm foothold and couldn't be pushed backwards. We always need to have the gospel with us and prepared to take it anywhere, we should understand the gospel message, that is Jesus was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died a vicarious death by the shedding of His blood on the cross, was raised in victory sitting at the right hand of God, waiting for the trump to sound that He may return in power and glory to redeem all of those that have called upon His name for the remission of sins! This should be our firm footing and we should not be pushed away with the tainting of this worlds wisdom after mans own religious thoughts. How well do you know the gospel, and if you know it are you prepared to take it to the uttermost, wherever God may lead you to share it?
Friends we will continue tomorrow on the thoughts of the defensive equipment of the Christian soldier so that you have time to go back and study these out for yourself today. I hope and pray this will have been an encouragement to pull out some of this equipment and dust it off to put it to use! Until tomorrow may God bless.
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