Friday, November 30, 2007

For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of

1Co 9:16 For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel!

Good morning again dear friends, I am so glad that the Lord is a patient and loving God. I am so glad that He saved an unworthy sinner as I. I have been thinking about Gods holiness and how that we are only able to come into His presence because of the Lord Jesus Christ. If it were not for Jesus, then I would in no doubt not be sitting in the position I am sitting in today. we are no doubt in this day and age buffeted from every side with temptation, and our flesh. God however said that when we are tempted He has made a way of escape. Paul says here in Corinthians, I have nothing to glory of, that is, in and of himself, because there are none righteous no not one. I fall into this category everyday my dear friends, I am a man in the flesh, however saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and have no other desire but to write unto you about the Lord Jesus Christ and His greatness. I want to see people come to know the Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, to redeem their souls from the everlasting hell fire that is to come. My friend it is appointed unto man to die once, then the judgement. Where do you find yourself today? I praise God that I have bowed the knee and I accepted Jesus for the remission of my sins, that knowing if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins. The Lord has made the ultimate sacrifice, He has shed His blood that I may have everlasting life. I know dear readers that you say to yourselves "boy he sure talks about Jesus a lot". When it comes down to it, even though I am married, and have a child, and I thank my God for them. I still have nothing without Jesus and His grace and mercy. I am undone today as Jeremiah was in the old testament, I see our present world getting wickeder and wickeder and the people just living life frivolously. This hurts me because many, and this may include you do not know of the wonderful love of God, and that He wishes none should perish, but all come unto repentance through Jesus Christ. I am tired of the lives that are destroyed because of sin, and iniquity. I see children devastated and paying for their parents sin, I see parents paying for their children's sin because they as parents didn't raise them in the understanding of the Lord. I pray that today there would be another with the same burden for people to say, woe unto me if I preach not the gospel. Let your light shine today Christian that others may desire to ask why you are so different, why do you walk in this world with a purpose, rather than just existing. May God bless you today saint of God, and remember whatsoever ye do, do unto the Lord.

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