Monday, December 3, 2007

And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

What a truly wondrous day it was yesterday. We were able to see one come forward and get saved! Praise the Lord for this as our prayers at Calvary Baptist Church are to see God move in peoples lives and to see them get saved. The preaching was great as we were encouraged all the way from Sunday school to Sunday evening preaching with some great scriptural teaching. I have heard many a pastor preach about what we should do and why we should believe, but sometimes the how is left out. We heard some great teaching on the refuting of 5-point Calvinism, and then Sunday evening we were exhorted to become students of the Word. This was accomplished not only for that veteran saint, but also for that newly saved soul. We were given some of those insights on how to read the bible and apply certain methods of study that you would only generally get in a bible college. I think this has helped out all of us and I thank the preacher for not only preaching, but apt to teach as the bible states. I do have to apologize for missing a posting on Saturday as I tended to things needed around the house for my wife and family. I look forward today to another great week as the Lord has been blessing me not only during services, but also in my workplace. We have been slow at work and all of my men have been laid off for a month or so. I started praying and some others that are not part of my company have prayed along with me and I know that God has answered because I have been able to call my workers back and we have work until February now. I say all of this to encourage you to stay in the fight. Many a person gets discouraged friend in serving the Lord and not knowing the outcome of whats to happen. If we had everything laid out in front of us as to the trials and tribulations for us to walk more closely with God do you think we would take that path? Well I believe that since I am just merely a feeble man that is so dependant on the path of least resistance I would definitely look for the easy way out. If we were quite honest with ourselves I believe all of us would say that too. You see the Lord said that by trials and tribulations it works patience in our lives, this leads to experience, then when we enter another test we can know for shure that it is the Lord that will deliver us out of that time according to His will. The Lord says our faith will be tried like the fires that are used in silversmithing, allowing the dross to be pulled out of the silver leads to pure silver, allowing the Lord to work in our lives removing the things that weaken us, or keep us from Him allows us to draw closer and have a better relationship with Him. All this is done to conform us to His image as we are continually in a growing process along our Christian walk. So be not afraid for I know that the trials are sometimes hard, but be encouraged because the Lord said He will never put you through anything that you cannot lean on Him to deliver you from.

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