1Co 14:3 But he that prophesieth speaketh unto men to edification, and exhortation, and comfort.
What a glorious day we had yesterday! The Lord is so wonderful and it is so exciting to see His providence at work in our church. We were blessed to have a missionary that is also a friend of mine stop by and present his work that he has been called to do. It was exciting to hear of the saved souls in North Africa in the Muslim 10/40 window. This missionary has been living in a closed nation that normally rejects the gospel message, however because God is gracious and that He wishes none to perish this man and his family have been allowed by Gods grace and protection to live amongst them and lead some to the true Savior-Jesus Christ. Brother A.B. has a website that I encourage you to take a look at and see what is going on, and then I challenge you to pray for him and their work over there. You can find their website in the link to the left, Call For Muslim Evangelism. Then it was the preaching hour and what a way to end the year, as the above verse states this is the purpose of the preaching, not all this goofy purpose driven into the ground garbage. The Pastor preached a great message on setting our sites to be a church that would be God honoring, from the pew to the streets, to any nation that we can reach! Our Pastor has such a great burden to see each and every person come to know the Lord as their Savior, and he also has a great burden to see each and every soul that is saved to grow in knowledge of the Bible and not mans teachings. These past couple of months of being around my Pastor have been greatly encouraging as I see him fulfill the Bible way of doing things. There is no rock concerts, there are no crazy theatrical performances, there is only preaching, and the preaching of Gods word at that! The year is not over yet but the Lord has blessed us again this week as two were saved last night. One a young man came forward during the invitation and accepted the Lord, and after services that night a young girl was talking to her aunt after being in church all day and she asked her aunt if she could talk with the preacher. It is a joy to know that God deals with the heart and not by a class of people, a race of people, or an age of people Glory to God. This aunt called the preacher and he being the soul winning pastor he is jumped in his car and went to her house, they were able to talk about salvation and she accepted the Lord! Friends do you see how good God is? If we will just stay committed to his work and stay consistent with our calling then we shall reap! Friend if you don't know the joy of the Lord, or you might be wondering why I write what I do then I beg you to please contact me and let me explain to you the goodness of God and His mercy by sending His Son to die for our sins and forgive us of those sins that we might have everlasting life! This year at Calvary Baptist Church we have seen 53 come to know the Lord and what a joy it is to see these lives changed for His glory. Now to the verse that was provided..the preaching should be for:
- Edification, that is for knowledge. To instruct especially so as to encourage intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement. The preaching should build us up in the faith according to the Word of God.
- Exhortation, that is persuasion. A communication intended to urge or persuade the recipients to take some action. When we hear the Word of God preached it should make us think about our lives and leave us with a thought of how we are lining up with Gods word as we live out our earthly lives. We should be making a decision every time we hear the Word of God preached.
- Comfort, that is compassion. We never know what a person is going through so as we preach, may the words be comforting enough to show them their need for a Savior, the only true comforter in life.
May God bless you at the end of this year and if the Lord doesn't return until the beggining of next, may you have a Happy New Year!