2Co 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
Good morning dear friends, I had a wonderful time in the house of God last night listening to some great preaching on the return of Christ, our Blessed Hope! What a way to put away all the troubles of this world and refresh our minds that there is an end to all the physical, and mental misery. I had been reading another blog from a friend of mine and the above verse came to mind after reading it. The blog was about being just an ordinary pastor, what a way to think in life, however I find myself thinking about just that daiily. I think to myself, wow that man can preach will I ever sound that good, or wow they have a lot in attendance over there at that church is it better than mine, wow look at what is going on over there again? All this is foolishness my dear friends if you stop and think about it in the long run. Now I am not saying that we should slide back on our bottoms and become non-chalant in our preaching and teaching, no we must just apply ourselves for the glory of God that He may give the increase. We have as human nature an inate desire to break the little man syndrome and you will always meet that person who has the better story, or the I done that plus this attitude, but the more I read my Bible it is by humilty and obedience that God blesses. In humilty you can see that God is working and not yourself, for it is not by our power that any are saved, or by our power that the message is applied to a persons life. It is in our power to make decisions to yield ourselves to God and watch Him work. Friend it is about staying obedient to God and preaching the Word unashamdely, there are enough false teachers and preachers making luke warm soup for the Savior. Most of these great mega churches and the lot are so wishy washy that whenever there is true preaching on the doctrines of the faith the people want to run! I have to be careful for my flesh wants to become prideful in wanting to compare myself with what is going on with the other pastors that I am around. Whenever I think about myself comparing myself with another, I want to get that much more determined to show that person up, or the devil slides in and says you'll never measure up to that level, that my dear friend is when we are not allowing the fruit of the Spirit to manifest itself in our lives. We then get offended, we get bitter, and worst of all our testimony could get damaged! Friend just allow God to use you for His glory where He has you in your life, and as Paul the Apostle said, Php 4:11 Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Friend let us learn to be content, but let us also have goals and a desire to see great things done for God, not to appease men, or to have selfish pride! Remember the Bible says to study to shew thyself approved unto God, nowwhere does it say to get approval of men for the work that you do for the Lord. If God is honored then I truly believe that we as preachers and pastors have no right to hang our heads in shame, we should be able to sleep well at night knowing that all we have done and all that we are going to do is for Him! The work you do cannot be measured against another mans, but against the Word of God and the convition of God. Are we doing all we can for God, or just to appease our selfish appetites, do we have programs for the sake of programs, or are we investing into peoples lives that they might know a Holy God? What is it that is motivating us, pride, contention, or the love of God. Let us not forget the foundational truth of discipleship,
Joh 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. Friends I truly hope this has been an encouragement to you today!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Comparing themselves among themselves
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8:27 AM
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.
Jer 9:6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD.
Good morning dear friends let us look at today's verse and ask that God would allow us to see what we can glean from His Word that we may not be led astray. This verse has been on my mind for the past couple of days after reading it in my nightly devotions, and I couldn't help thinking about the consequences of it. You see the prophet Jeremiah was warning the nation of Judah about the way their religious leaders, and others were acting. I see this same thing going on today in our present world, not that this hasn't been going on for ages. You see the people were being deceived and taught wrong for the advancement of some folks over others, the priests were corrupting the priesthood, and causing the nation of Judah to sin against God. People are just as deceitful today, they use Christianity as a gain for their own selfish desires rather than preaching the true Word of God. You see so many being deceived into believing a false way of salvation, a false way of repentance, and a false teaching of prosperity. The verse says that through deceit they refuse to know me, there is a lady that we have been witnessing to and she has been gracious to hear us present to her the gospel message and I truly believe in my heart that she wants to know more about Jesus and His provided way to salvation, however her priest found out that we as Baptist's came and talked to her and told her to stay away from us. Now my thought is here is a lady that has finally read her Bible for herself and desires to know the Lord Jesus Christ, however through deceit the priest keeps her penned up in some religion that has not helped her with her questions in life. She has even went to him to talk about what is on her heart and he didn't want to talk with her about the issue, I just wonder how many other people there are in this world that are ignored when there are issues of the heart? You see she asked us yesterday why we cared about her problems, and because of the love of God we said because the Lord Jesus Christ cares about her. Through deceit people are held in bondage and never know who God is, through deceit others will never who Jesus is because the priest, pastor, or whatever they may call themselves know that it would change their lifestyle. Through deceit and false teaching some don't want to know who Jesus is because it would change their way of teaching, knowledge of Him, and worship of Him. It might just change them and they don't like that because through deceit they are happy in their sin! Deceitfulness is rampant today in a world of people that have no other desire but to satisfy self, truly what a sad thing. Friend I pray today that if you are being deceitful for personal gain over somebody to satisfy yourself that you would repent and turn from this lifestyle and turn to a Holy God to live in righteousness. Friend there is much to say about deceit in the in the Bible, from who led it, to the consequences of it. I just pray that you would desire to know the truth, and we can find it in the Bible, as Jesus himself said....I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man cometh to the father but by me. You see friend there is no deceit in that; just a plain statement, trust Jesus and all other things shall be exposed for what they are. May you have a wonderful day and God bless.
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5:48 AM
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
When thou shalt vow a vow
Deu 23:21 When thou shalt vow a vow unto the LORD thy God, thou shalt not slack to pay it: for the LORD thy God will surely require it of thee; and it would be sin in thee.
Good morning friends, I praise God for His long suffering, mercy, and grace. I had been doing some daily reading and I took some time to stop and pray for a little while. During this quite time with the Lord I was able to look back in my life and ask the Lord what I have not been doing that I might have said I would. Wouldn't you know that when that question was asked in my heart that there were some things brought out! Well I have asked for forgiveness and I believe that the Lord has forgiven me of my sin in not performing what I said I would do in the past, however I do believe that I need to make it right so I will put my hand to the task that I had vowed to do lest it become sin in my life again. Boy did I feel guilty when I started thinking about what I should've been doing as I had vowed this with the Lord, then my guilt took me to shame, and as I was meditating on this vow I have seen how the above verse applies! The Lord has ALWAYS kept His portion of any promise made unto us, and how quick we are to forget, or be sidetracked after making a vow. Friends don't be fooled God has a way of getting what is rightfully His! I have seen how God has been patient with me in this vow, and I also see how God has allowed me to have this brought before me so that I may make it right with Him so that our fellowship will not be constrained! Glory to God for His understanding, I wished that I was just as understanding when people made a promise to me and they don't keep it, instead of getting all huffy and puffy, I pray that I am understanding and genuinely forgiving so that they may learn from their ways also. This morning has been such a blessing to me for me to be able to feel as though a load was lightened in my life because of the mercy of a loving God! Friend, I encourage you today to be patient with people when they have promised, or vowed to do something, forgive them and work with them that you and they might be in reconciliation and have your friendships intact. I also have this verse come to mind now that I think even more on this subject this morning...2Pe 3:9 The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.
Friend the Lord promised us that in while we were yet sinners He made a way for us to repent of those sins and to gain everlasting life through Jesus Christ, His Son! The Lord has given us the way to come, and He has provided this very day for you to repent and inherit eternal life because of His love. Don't delay, and don't be slack in your decision for tomorrow may never arrive! If you have told God that you would repent and turn from your sins and serve Him, then do it, lest it be counted against you for sin and your fellowship with Him be in contention in your heart. If you have made a vow and it has now been brought back into your mind after reading this, then stop and ask for Gods forgiveness and get back to doing it and complete it that way you may give God the glory!
Posted by
6:08 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised
Psa 145:3 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; and his greatness is unsearchable.
Good afternoon friends! Whew what a busy end of the week last week and weekend that I have had! The Lord has been great and greatly to be praised as I had some wonderful help through the last couple of days from my Pastor and others. My Pastor volunteered to ride along with me to my house in South Georgia and help me to load some things and bring them back to my current house, the poor Pastor had to suffer my driving, and my babbling! The services have been awesome and we have been blessed again for the past couple of weeks. We saw another saved and we have seen others follow in obedience to believers baptism! Glory to God that things are going well, my prayer is for the church to stay in harmony with God and each other! You can count on this..when people start getting right with God, then the devil wants to try and move in. God has also been dealing with me personally on some decisions and as the above verse states His greatness is unsearchable and I just want to praise Him and glorify His name for all that He is doing in my life. Friends let me encourage you today to think upon what God has brought you through, and if for nothing else think about this..that He sent His only Son, Jesus to die for our sins. God is greatly to be praised for this because He loves us enough in that while we were yet sinners He made a way of reconciliation to Him! Friends if you have not come unto the Lord God through Jesus Christ, His Son then I encourage you to lay aside whatever sin may be in you life and call upon the name of the Lord for the remission of your sins and accept Him as your personal Savior! Then you too can rejoice and say great is the Lord and greatly to be praised!
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4:06 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
But be thou in the fear of the LORD
Pro 23:17 Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long.
Pro 23:18 For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.
Good morning again my dear friends and readers. Reading my proverb for today I was entriqued by this statement. Solomon had the riches of the world, and the wisdom to match. Yet here he is giving advice on being envious to the way that sinners live. I guess during his reign in life, and from reading Ecclesiastes that he at one time looked on the life of a sinner and desired that lifestyle that had caught his attention. Friend we can learn a lot from others mistakes, listen to what the old preacher said at the end of Ecclesiastes..Ecc 12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. You see friend Solomon had tried to all the different things in life to fill the void of not serving a Holy God. He looked out on others and said I will try to please myself through the different avenues that would bring temporary enjoyment and through it all we hear him say Vanity of Vanities, all is vanity. You see Solomon had figured out that while the sinner looks like his life is something, it is actually empty and unfulfilled until the next fleeting desire comes along. Friend Solomon reminds us here that all these things that sinners think that they have, and have gotten away with will come to naught. You see even the sinners time on this earth will come to an end just as ours will, the only difference here is if you fear the Lord and are saved then your life will be rewarded with an everlasting reward. You see the sinners might have all the fun that the world has to offer, however I as a saved person have all the joy in the world because of Jesus Christ. Our reward throughout a life of servitude to Christ will be everlasting joy because what we have will not be burnt up and cast away. Friend can I encourage you today to fear the Lord and trust Him through His Son Jesus Christ that you may have eternal life, peace and joy? Can you lay aside the desires of this world to gain everlasting enjoyment with a Savior that owns the cattle on a thousand hills? Friend the preacher says surely there is an end, that means in this physical life on earth all the things a sinner does comes to a stop, then the judgement. For you that are saved thine expectation shall not be cut off, that is there is more to this life than the material, and temporal. May you be encouraged to keep your eyes off the things of this world and desire that which is to come. May God bless.
Posted by
6:07 AM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
For the work of the ministry
Eph 4:12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Eph 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:
Good day friends, I have been reading some old material that I had laying around and came across some about being involved in peoples lives as Christians. Now not for being nosey, or overbearing, or for personal gain, no this involvement in their lives should be for the glorifying of our Lord and Savior. I am so excited because in the last few months I have seen the Lord save so many, now I feel the burden to not let them go and let them be just saved! I want to see them grow in the faith and help our pastor in doing so. I want to see them become involved in the Lords work and let God be glorified through the change in their lives! First I should make an important statement, to help these new converts they should be encouraged to understand who the pastor is and his role in their lives! We should never undermine the guidance, lessons, and love that the pastor is going to put into their lives. We should come along side our pastor and ask, "how can I help", otherwise we will be teaching them wrong from the beginning no matter what our good intentions are. Otherwise dear reader I want to encourage you today on some reasons why we should be involved in assisting the pastor in working in whatever way we can.
- For the work of the ministry: if we will help the pastor then there can be more things done in the ministries of your church. If these young converts are given a good example by you whole heartily following the Lord and serving under your pastor then there is no telling what could be done through your church and you. You must be in complete submission to the Lord and do things according to His Word.
- For the edifying of the body of Christ: that is to encourage others around you and the young in Christ for the service of God. Give yourself over to God for His use and get with the pastor and his vision for the church. This will only strengthen your church by encouraging others to get on board and serve!
- Till we all come in the unity of the faith: That is to show these new babes in Christ how to become a part of the church family, to fellowship, to follow, and to fear the Lord with all reverence. We are to do this for our own selves also so we can continue to grow and be strengthened! We are to be doing this until the Lords glorious return.
- Unto a perfect man: Lets get this point straight before it gets out of control..there was only one perfect, that is sinless man and that was our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The word perfect here means "mature". We are to pull alongside these young ones in the faith and help them to mature, we are to encourage them to grow beyond just saying I am saved! We must help them build their lives for the glory of God.
Friends when we are able to see these new converts start to grasp the deeper things in the Word of God, and then see them surrender to serve Him, then watch out because it might just make you give a huge AMEN to the Lord. Friends I just want to see those that are saved not fall into the old trap of pew warming and church number filling. I desire to see them become mature Christians that would spread the gospel and show the world what the Lord has done!...
Posted by
1:12 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
He shall serve me
Psa 101:6 Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.
Good evening friends and readers, I Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had such a blessed time this weekend as we gathered together to work around the house of the Lord. We have started a building project for our teenagers so that we can have more room for them. This allows us to partake into another ministry that our Pastor has on his heart and I can't wait to see what God is going to do! Sunday morning we had a missionary from Rock of Ages prison ministry stop by and share his burden and testimony, he also taught Sunday school and it was great. Our Pastor brought a great message to finish out the morning hour, then we had Sunday night preaching and wow did the rubber hit the road! We were encouraged to be faithful stewards with what God has given us and for me personally it made me think all the harder on how much I missed as opportunities for the Lord to give unto His work! I hope and pray that the rest of the congregation got out of it as much as I did! From today's above verse I was encouraged because there are times when I get low and think to myself does it really make a difference in what I am doing, then praise God, there comes along a wonderful verse like that above! God says He sees me, and as I am faithful then I get to serve Him, and not only serve but dwell in His presence! Praise the Lord that He watches me and loves me enough to notice what is going on in my life. He uplifts me and He establishes my paths, in today's Proverb it reads Pro 20:24 Man's goings are of the LORD; how can a man then understand his own way? Oh, how foolish we are when we think we have it all figured out! All I can say is to lean not unto thine own understanding, but seek the Lord and His perfect will for your lives! Friend may this be an encouragement to you today, that the Lord loves you, and He is watching, as the Bible says in Pro 15:3 The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good. Friend when you walk according to His Word then you can have assurance that He will be present with you and He knows what you are going through and He will deliver you. Friend also rest assured that the Lord knows whether you are not walking according to His Word! Friend what a privilege it is to serve the Lord, and as we are commanded to do let us not forget that wherever we are not to be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ and proclaim it loud and clear that Jesus Saves!
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8:44 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world
Joh 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Good morning friends and readers. Well it snowed a little in Tennessee and my family and I had a fun time watching the flakes fall and the fun of a snowman and snowballs. What an enjoyable moment in a turbulent world. I have been going through the book of John slowly and I came across the last verse here of Chapter 16. In it the Lord Jesus makes it pretty plain for the cures of the common problem of this world, and how to have comfort in this physical world. The answer dear friend is Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus was just explaining to His disciples about His death, Resurrection and return, this is a part of the gospel message, and Jesus was explaining that in this present world there would be tribulations, there would be a time when people that kill you because you believe in Jesus Christ that they are doing God service. This is very relevant in today's world as we have other religions that are bloody religions that say if you don't believe in their god then you must die, now they assume that they are worshipping the true God, however they are very blinded and confused. If you were to read the Bible and understand who the true God, Jehovah God, then you would understand that in order to serve Him, you must be born again, that is accepting the final sacrifice for your sins which is Jesus Christ. Having true faith in God means you understand that God wishes no one to perish and die and go to hell, no my friend instead He has sent His Son to sacrifice His life for us, not for Christians to force people to serve Him. We are not told to kill, instead we are commanded to forgive, we are commanded to preach the gospel, we are commanded to let the world know of Jesus Christ. Now back to knowing peace in a world of tribulation and turmoil. We are comforted through Christ to know that this world will not last for eternity, however He is and will come again to receive us to be with Him. At this time friends during that rapture day our trials and tribulations will be over forever more. Jesus tells His disciples to be of good cheer because He has overcome the world, and therefore if we are His then we through Him can overcome the problems in our lives. Friend I encourage you today to put your faith in Christ and accept what He has said, and that He will fulfill it as His promise. The Bible says that there is no other name under heaven whereby men must be saved, friends it cannot be by your works, your position in life, your money, your family name. Friends your salvation and peace in life could only come by Jesus Christ, having put your faith in Him and the finished work on the cross nothing more. Because of the cross He went to the grave, and when He was resurrected it proved that He had overcome the world! Praise God that Jesus is alive and coming again! Are you ready?
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10:13 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
But in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving
Php 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
Good morning dear friends again. Isn't God great! We had a good time last night listening to Pastor Black out of East Tennessee preach revival at my brothers church in Carbon Hill, AL. From the first two days of reports we had heard that everything preached was right on the mark, and I praise God that people were willing to admit that they needed revival and that they enjoyed what the Lord would have the man of God that they invited in preach to them. My prayer is that they would now look at what was preached and keep it on their minds and apply it to their hearts and let God work! I look forward to tonight to see what my Pastor may have for us. Last Sunday night he preached on his vision for the church and the direction that the Lord has laid upon his heart. What a wonderful vision it is, there are many things that we could do together if we get behind him and support him. There is the building of the new sanctuary because God has been so great to add new members to the church, there is the vision of an assisted living home for the Senior saints, there is the vision of a children's home, a Christian day school, a Bible college that is local church based. All this can be accomplished with God, I look forward to see what God would do with us if we just stay humbled in His sight and do the things that we are called to do with everybody in their places serving. I am excited about our Pastors desire to take us on a missions trip to Mexico this year, and I ask that you would pray with us to see God make this happen. Friends in the above verse it says that everything must be done by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. I wanted to share with you what God is doing in our lives because I give the honor, and thanks to God. If it was not for God sending His Son Jesus Christ to die for my sins then I would never even write to you the great things that are going on in my life and the church that God has allowed me to be a part of. I give thanks to God for seeing souls saved, Bible preaching preachers who hold fast to the truth, for missionaries that would give up their secular desires and surrender to go to a field that only God could have given them a burden for. I thank God for allowing me to have the knowledge and understanding in order to just type these simple blog entries. Now friends this is my prayer, that if you are not saved, that is born again as the Bible says then, I encourage you to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. I pray that you would know Jesus so that you can understand what joy is, and what true Biblical blessings are. Friend I pray that if you would like to know more about Jesus that you would contact somebody who is saved, and if you want to know more I pray that you would contact me and let me share the gospel with you. For all this through prayer, I will then give thanks and glory to God to see Jesus high and lifted up!
Posted by
9:38 AM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
But because ye are not of the world
Joh 15:19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
Good morning dear friends, I am excited for this afternoon as my Pastor and I will be heading to my brothers church to hear Pastor Black from east Tennessee preach revival. My brothers church is about 2 hrs south of me and I really look forward to the fellowship of all these preachers and the saints that are in Carbon Hill, AL. As I was studying through the book of John, I started thinking about some of my co-workers who would question me on my desire why I do the things that I do for the Lord and the sacrifices that I make. It is so simply put in the above verse. Ye are not of the world. There are three Greek words for the word world, they are:
- kosmos as spoken in the book of Genesis, that is the physical created world
- oikoumenē as used in Luke 2:1, that is speaking of a governmental system (at that time the Roman Empire)
- Ion as used in Romans 12:1, that is speaking of this present age
Friend if you are born again, the Bible says to marvel not that the world in all three senses above would hate you. Understand that you have been bought with a price by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and you are no longer dead unto sin, but alive in Christ. This can be explained by the following.
- You have been born again, not of the physical but of the spiritual. we are new creatures in Christ Jesus. We are no longer to walk according to the physical things that would bring us into the bondage of sin. You see the lost people who are not born again hate you becasue you don't follow after these things, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life. You shouldn't be swayed by the circumstances in life to give up on God. The Bible says greater is He that is in you than he that is in this world!
- The worlds governmental system should not sway your love for the Lord Jesus Christ and God. Though the Bible says to render unto ceaser what is ceaser's, however there is one thing that this world should not have, and that is your heart for God. This worlds government hates you as a Christian becasue it prides itself on being the answer to all things through programs, knowledge, and position. Dear friend don't be fooled, there is coming a day when this worlds governments will be thrown down and the wickedness that they bring with it shall be destroyed and then the perfect reign of Jesus Christ will be as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Now friend don't let me discourage you to pray for those in government, that their hearts would be given over to God and they would seek Him for any decisions before they are made. We are to be praying for all those in power over us that they would honor God and His Word.
- This present age hates us as Christians becasue we stand upon the Word of God. We are different becasue we eschew evil and love our Lord. We as Christians should not be all caught up in the latest fashion trends, the latest get rich quick schemes, the latest raves. No we are to be different to show this present age that all this is worthless in sight of the Lord. All the materialistic things that this present age says you must have will lead you into bondage, if you would just lean unto the Lord Jesus Christ, He will provide you with everything you need. This present age hates us as Christians becasue we are living proof that what they do is evil, and with that evil there is payment for. This makes them think about thier ungodliness and they don't want to, however it is our duty to show them the love of God, and point them to Jesus Christ by our chaste conversation.
Friend I said all this because as the Lord was explaining to His disciples while He was physically on the earth, He left this written in His Word that we might know and understand why we are treated differently. Friend if you find yourself not being treated differently because of the places that you don't go, or the things that you don't then I will encourge you to stop where you are at in life and examine why you do the things that you do. Are they for the world, or are they to honor God?
Posted by
7:59 AM
Monday, January 14, 2008
But one thing is needful:
Luk 10:40 But Martha was encumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.
Luk 10:41 And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things:
Luk 10:42 But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.
Good day friends and readers, what a weekend as busy as I was I got into a hurry while moving from one house to another that I twisted and severely sprained my ankle. Well that didn't stop me from being in the Lords house on Sunday, and I hope each and every one of you found your rightful place in the pews. As I stated earlier in the year I wanted to work on a some words, "commitment" and "consistency". Now I was going through thinking about how in the past I have over committed and was under consistent because of my zeal to do everything all by myself. Then I was reminded while thinking about how busy I was about Martha in the Bible and as the verses say she was encumbered with much. Now we tend to encumber ourselves daily and sometimes I believe it is with things that are so trivial that it actually becomes cumbersome. We want as dear Christians to do all we can for the Lord Jesus Christ in servitude, however I now believe if we aren't careful then as Martha was so busy we will loose focus on what we started out to do. Jesus stated to Martha, But one thing is needful, and that was Himself..you see Mary had figured out that there is always time to do things, but without Jesus those things are futile. If we set out to do things in our own power then we will quickly loose focus, we'll loose the energy to see them through, however with Jesus I can guarantee you that He will give us the grace in time of need, and the strength to overcome the obstacles that would hinder us. Remember friends that we must first stop and spend time with Jesus before we get all excited to get things done. You see Martha was also troubled about many things that means her mind wasn't thinking spiritually otherwise she would have noticed that there could have been peace in her life if for one moment she would have stopped and saw who was in her presence. Friend don't become so busy in your life that you don't have time to see that the answer to your troubles may be right there with you, that is Jesus Christ. Friend if your troubled because you don't know who Christ is and you haven't accepted Him as your personal Savior then I encourage you to stop and take a moment and look at what your life is about. If for some reason you are encumbered with much and need to lay things aside then call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and turn to Him and He shall give you rest. Friends I hope this was an encouragement to you as it was to me that there were those even in the past that were busy in life, it also encourages me to know that I can take a time out and spend it with Jesus and He will make it all right. May God bless.
Posted by
10:29 AM
Friday, January 11, 2008
A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land
Jer 5:30 A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land;
Jer 5:31 The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?
As God is dealing with Judah and warning Israel also; I think that there is much to learn from these verses. What is this wonderful and horrible thing committed? I see a nation that loves to have men of great rapport speaking to them instead of the Word of God in their lives. I see a nation in whom has allowed itself to become subdued by false teaching and preaching. I see a nation that is backsliding and unless that nation repents then the chastisement of a loving God shall befall it. Friend let me caution you if you are a preacher or Sunday school teacher, or a leader in the church. God has spoken here and is displeased with false worship, unbearable man made rules, the robbing of the faithful, and the false preaching that was going on. Do not think that God has not looked upon our nation and has seen what is going on today. The unfaithful, unregenerate who would preach about a Holy God have defiled His Word, they have led men astray with false hopes, and they do all this because of greedy gain. Friend let me encourage you to know the true Living God, Jehovah, who is all knowing, and ever present. It is He that we must come to know in a personal relationship through Jesus Christ, and live for Him. God does not want us to be taken down the road by some false preachers, God sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins that we may know Him and that He wants us to live life, and live it more abundantly, that is in service and worship of Him. All this foolish mess about send me money and I'll pray to God for you is not even scriptural.
Friend if you knew the God of the Bible then you would know that if you are saved you have a Father in heaven that knows your needs, and by faith asking through prayer you may see God move in your life. Don't just talk to God when your in a financial mess, instead talk to God daily and before you make any financial decision, that way you may be wise about what your doing. The above verse says that the people love having the false prophesies over them, and those that would use them deceitfully, friend let me encourage you today to get out from underneath those TV sets and books that you may be reading and get into a true Bible preaching, Sin hating, Missions loving, Independent, Baptist church. Pray that God would lead you to a church that God would have you to be in where the pastor cares for you. The last part of the verse says that because of false teaching and preaching the people have become so ignorant of the true God that they have become worse and worse in their sins, and in their lives. Friend don't be like those people, turn away before your life is so filled with confusion and iniquity that the devil uses you more than you realize. Turn unto the true God of the Bible and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins, whether they are out of ignorance, or they are committed openly, and Jesus Himself will guide you into all truth. Friend I hope this has been an encouragement today.
Posted by
7:47 AM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice
Php 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice.
Good morning dear friends, I am so thankful for my Pastor, my church, and for our members. What a wonderful church to be a part of here in Tennessee. We are growing everyday and I see the Lord working in different ways, whether it be through seeing people saved, adding new members, or seeing people grow closer to Him through dedication. The Pastor has started a series in Sunday school based on II Timothy 2:15, and I can see myself as well as others getting a lot out of it. It is encouraging to know that our Pastor doesn't just want people to show up to fill the pews, instead as he has very well made mention, he wants them to know the Word of God. This study has challenged us to be people of the Word, not just people in a church. It has given others an oppurtunity to look at the Bible as something that they can understand, rather than the old excuses of I don't get it. I believe this has opened up a lot of eyes for people to desire again the sincere milk of the Word, and for some it will allow them to eat meat instead of just drinking the milk. I want to praise the Lord for some of the ministires that He has allowed us to maintian, one of them is our Thursday night soul-winnning time. I look forward to tonight as we always go out soul-winning in pairs just like Paul would partner up and go out to proclaim the gospel. I am praying that the Lord would prepare the way for us this evening to see somebody saved! I would also like to praise the Lord for all He's done for our building. As I have mentioned in the past our church has started a building project because the Lord has been so gracious to add to us that we are running out of space! I would ask that you would pray with us as our church goes forward to see that the Lord does all things in His timing, so far we are already halfway to the amount of money that we need to take the next step. I just wanted to take some time and praise the Lord for our church and the things that He is doing and share these things with you so that together we may rejoice. Yesterday afternoon I had time to reflect on missionaries across the world and I just want to encourage you to not forget about them as well, they are doing a work for the Lord also and need our prayers daily. I have read some blogs of missionary friends and have seen some wonderful things going on for the glory of God! One missionary friend was able to see the government officials of his country that he is in support them by getting them into their schools to be able to share the gospel! Isn't God great, now of course all this didn't happen overnight, they had to pray and work at it, but God gave the increase and what a blessing this will be. I wished that in America our officials would see the need for the Word of God again and get behind those that are trying to reach souls and help them. Friends there are many things to rejoice about as the Pastor preached last night on this subject and it is flowing over into today. Friends I am just overjoyed at all that God is doing in my life and the lives of others. May we pause together today and think of all the wonderful things that God is doing, has done, and will do in our lives. Let us be obedient to the Lord, and friend if I could just encourage you to share the gospel with one person today, I promise that it will always be well worth your effort. Dear reader if for some reason you are reading this and thinking what does this man have to be overjoyed about those things for, then you don't know the Lord Jesus Christ, who is my joy forever more. You too friend can know Him as your personal Savior, please e-mail me and I would be more than glad to show you through the Bible what it says about Jesus, and why I am able to rejoice in this hour. Until tomorrow may God bless.
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7:53 AM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
And I will give you pastors according to mine heart
Jer 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.
Good morning dear friends and readers. As I have been walking thru Jeremiah this verse stuck out to me. I thank God for my Pastor, and that my Pastor submitted to his calling. Folks if you have not figured out yet, it is God who sends His man to a local church to be the under shepherd. Dear friends I want to encourage you to be a blessing to your Pastor. I hear so many stories of people that have Pastor stew after Sunday morning preaching, I hear of so many fickle people that try to run down the man of God. David himself when he was under the leadership of a man that he did not desire even said that he would not raise up his hand against God's anointed. David was wise enough to understand that it was God who is in control and it is God who chooses whom He will. Friends from the above verse we are all accountable to understand it is not in our power of who fills the pulpit. We have no right to usurp the authority of God and put just any man into the pulpit. If it were not for God sending us a Pastor, we would all walk around puffed up with our own interpretations and differing knowledge of the Word of God. If it were not for a Pastor who would care enough to lift our name in prayer daily, or visit us when we are sick, or correct us in love when we are wrong, then who would. If it were not for God to send us His man and to have charge over us, then we would all be in a huge mess. Friend if your in a church without a Pastor then I earnestly ask you to pray and seek God's will and ask Him for the man that should fill the pulpit. Please don't be like the nation of Israel who took their eyes off of a Holy God and looked at other nations and desired a King. Let God choose and send whom He will, please stay humbled to His will for you and your church. Church member, please get behind your Pastor, his desires, his vision for the church. Support him and lift up him and his family that Satan might not get a foothold in their lives. Support your Pastor by being faithful to the preaching, and the work that needs to be done for the glory of God! Friend if it wasn't for God sending a dear Pastor in my life I would be ship wrecked in the faith, and standing on sinking sand. He cared enough to explain things to a hard headed sinner, he cared enough to visit with me and my family, and ultimately he cared enough for my soul. Dear reader if you find yourself in a country without a church, or a pastor then I want you to cry unto the Lord God of heaven who will in no doubt hear your prayer, and ask God that He might send a man your way to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ to you and your nation. The Bible says in Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Dear reader beg the Lord for a preacher, and that the Lord would put it into some pastors heart to submit to the call of a foreign field, or to a local church to stand up and lead as the Lord ordains. Desire the man that would be after the heart of God, and don't be taken by some wolf in sheep's clothing, don't look for a man that would just tell you things to make you feel better, no friend desire a pastor that the Lord would send your way that you might be built up in the faith through faithful preaching and teaching according to the Word of God.
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7:19 AM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
But my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit
Jer 2:11 Hath a nation changed their gods, which are yet no gods? but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit. Jer 2:19 Thine own wickedness shall correct thee, and thy backslidings shall reprove thee: know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the LORD thy God, and that my fear is not in thee, saith the Lord GOD of hosts.
Oh America, land of the free and home of the brave! Dear friends I was reading in Jeremiah this morning when I came across these verses. In these Jehovah God is dealing with the nation of
Judah; which was the Southern Kingdom of the time of the divided kingdom stage. God in His ever long suffering and mercy was still pleading with them to repent and turn to the only true God. In Gods pleadings He doesn't just say repent, no friends God shows us exactly what they needed to repent of. In the above verses it shows how they sold out when it came to worshipping the true God. God shows them that even the nations that were surrounding them even though they were serving false gods, and gods created out of vain imaginations were not even willing to depart from their ways to get a little gain. God reminds them that even though the nations around them were prospering, they were doing it in the wrong manner, and doing it while serving and offering worship to false gods. In their zeal to be like the other nations Israel had given up the glory of God, and now had traded it for that which did not profit them. Dear friends if we in America don't repent and turn from our wrongdoings, then the Lord is going to deal with us. Let's think about this for a moment and look at where our once great nation is headed? There are all manner of false religion, there is all manner of deceitful gain, friend we are spiraling downward while looking at the way other nations are set up and we are trying to base our laws and judgements off of them. Friend this is wrong, we are America, we were a sovereign nation founded upon the Word of God, I know this really scares the liberals and those that would sell out our nation to foreign rule, but friend dig a little deeper into the Word of God and see what is going on! Just as the nation of Israel had sold out for no profit, we too are slowly being sold out into bondage. Now God also in His space of time gave Israel time to repent as He does us also in this day and age. God has sent His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ to die for our sins, that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. Friend I encourage you today to put away your evil doings and repent while there is yet time. Put your faith in the One and Only Jesus that could take away your sins and give you reconciliation with God the Father. Friends be warned, because we have an example from the nation of Israel, God told them that their own wickedness shall correct them, their own backsliding shall reprove them. Now, dear friend if at one time you have tasted of the grace of God in your life then I encourage you to turn from your backsliding and return unto the fellowship that you had with God that He may forgive you and use you for His glory. Reader if you have never repented and trusted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior then I encourage you to do so today! God said to Israel that there was no fear of Him in them, and with that they continued in their folly and evil doings, which ultimately led to their captivity. Dear reader, because their is Jesus who died for your sins, then there must be reason for Him to have died for them, and that reason is Hell, a place of fire and torment, a place where the worm dieth not forever and forever. Dear reader know this, that today could be your day of salvation if you so choose, call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins and repent of them while there is still time. Friend don't be like the children of Israel and be taken into bondage, free yourself from that burden and allow Jesus to be your Savior! America, repent and stand firm on the Word of God, not letting ourselves be sold out from underneath us, don't let a mistake in leadership change our glory for that which doth not profit!
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8:27 AM
Monday, January 7, 2008
More About Jesus
More about Jesus I would know,More of His grace to others show;More of His saving fullness see,More of His love who died for me.
Refrain:More, more about Jesus,More, more about Jesus;More of His saving fullness see,More of His love who died for me.
More about Jesus let me learn,More of His holy will discern;Spirit of God, my teacher be,Showing the things of Christ to me.
More about Jesus, in His Word,Holding communion with my Lord;Hearing His voice in every line,Making each faithful saying mine.
More about Jesus on His throne,Riches in glory all His own;More of His kingdom’s sure increase;More of His coming, Prince of Peace.
Good Morning my dear friends and what a glorious day is today. I wanted to give you a song that has touched my heart since last night as I was thinking about the lyrics during a sermon our Pastor preached. The message last night was about "more", now a lot of people want more stuff, more riches, and more attention. Our Pastor had us thinking a little "more" about Jesus and where we stand with Him. Do you find yourself falling short in your desires to attain "more" stuff? Well then let me encourage you to abandon the worlds "more" and think "more" about Jesus. The Bible says that in order to know more about Him you must read His Word and the Word of life will be opened unto you if you seek Him. Another way to know "more" about Jesus is to spend time in prayer with Him. Friend let me encourage you to find yourself knowing "more" about our Lord and Savior than you have in the past. Jeremiah 33:3 says Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. Friend if you would just call upon the name of the Lord that way He may show you "more" of Himself. Friend from the above song I am hoping you can see that knowing "more" about Jesus will lead you into a greater relationship with Him.Friend if you don't know Jesus as your personal Savior I would encourage you to write to me and allow me to show you what the Bible says about Him, to know "more" about salvation full and free!
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9:52 AM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
And searched the scriptures daily
Act 17:11 These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.
Good morning again dear friends, and I hope yesterday was a wonderful day for you. Early in the hours of this morning I was burdened as I was awoken with this thought throughout the night. Friend my desire for myself and for you is to become so familiar with the Word of God that you and I may be made perfect that is mature. I pray that we could read the Word of God so much that if they came and ripped the Bible out of my hands that it would be written upon my heart. I am so dismayed with hearing about people that are hurt by irrelevant preaching, by advice from others that only have a shallow understanding of the Word of God. Friend I encourage you today to get into the old Blessed Book and read and pray, and cry unto the Lord. I was encouraged by this thought of scripture this morning as those folks that were in the early church had enough sense to prepare themselves. In this verse we see three things that make sense for all of us to do on a daily basis.
- They received the Word with all readiness of mind- Friends, they were prepared to accept the message from the preacher, they wanted to hear what the scripture says. Their hearts were prepared to listen. They didn't pick up some goofy self help book, they didn't turn on the smiling false teachers of today's generation. No friends they were found in church in their rightful places desiring to glean something from God. They had put off every distraction from themselves, they quit thinking about what time it was, and had their mind on the only true God. They quit worrying about the next day as that day wasn't there yet.
- They searched the scriptures daily- They not only received the Word, they read it again, and again. They were more known than others for their heart to read the Word and study it rather than just sit there and hear it. They meditated on it no doubt, so that they may apply what was given to them to their lives for a change in their lives to honor God. They did this daily, is the Bible in your house all wore out, does it only get brought out during church time? Are the pages of that dear old Bible so crisp that when you flip it open during church you can hear it ruffling around? Friend I encourage you to wear it out, become so familiar with it daily that it is just a part of you. Make it the engrafted Word in your heart, and hide its words in your heart that you might not sin against God. David read the Scriptures line upon line, and precept upon precept.
- Whether those things were so- Now friend I want you to understand what the Bible is saying here. First off you must be prepared to understand, and accept the truth..that is the Word of God, then you must study it daily and learn to rightly divide the truth. While doing this you can apply the last part of this verse with humility. Don't take this verse as a freedom to question every thing in a negative context of your pastor or those that would encourage you. Instead understand the meaning behind this..to see if what has been preached or spoken is true word for word under the guidelines of rightly dividing the Word of truth. Friend this is not a ticket to twist scripture so that weak minded Christians might use this and say, "see I told you the preacher was preaching wrong." Instead this should be used by you as an encouragement to read your Bibles and get support your pastor when he is right, and correct people when they are wrong. This correction mind you must be in love, not in an attitude of I know more than you do. Christ Himself corrected, and reminded people of His day of the Scriptures as He spoke with them.
Dear readers I just want to encourage you to get back into the Word if you have left it. If for some reason dear friend you don't own a Bible then e-mail me and I will see what I can do to get one to you. If you have never heard good preaching and would like to know more about Jesus and the Word of God then e-mail also and I will see what I can do to help you find a good church, or missionary if you are in a different country. Dear friend I just want as many that will accept the Word of God within their hearts to truly become a people of the Word again, to understand and apply it for the honor and glory of God.
Posted by
6:02 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
The same was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Good morning dear readers and a happy belated New Year! With the start of an official new year I listened to a message last night at the nursing home that our church has a ministry at and started thinking about the word "beginning" The Bible says in the beginning was the Word. Now I would like to challenge you this new year to begin it with the Word, that is with Jesus. I believe if we could all start our new year with Jesus as the focus of our lives instead of foolish new years resolutions then we would see more things done for His glory. I would like to give you a few things to start your beginning on in case you can't come up with any right at this moment:
- Begin this new year with a desire to grow closer to God through prayer
- Begin this new year with a desire to know more of Gods Word through Bible reading
- Begin this new year with surprising the Pastor by attending Sunday School if you aren't already
- Begin this new year with a heart of commitment to attend all services that you are not providentially hindered from
- Begin this new year by seeking Gods will to see where you can be used in the church actively supporting a ministry
- Begin this new year with a desire to see more peopled reached with the gospel than last
Friend this is just a short list off the top of my head that would not only help you in your spiritual life, but it would encourage others also. There are two words that I have on my mind as a challenge to myself this year "commitment" and "consistency". I ask that you would pray alongside of me to see this happen in my life that I might honor God with all that I set my hand to do for Him and His glory! Now, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Let us see the Word be exalted through all we do in our lives this year, I believe that if we lift up Jesus then He will do great things in us and through us. Friend you might ask why I believe this, and all I can say its in the Word, that is through Jesus Himself that I can boast about that promise! May you find yourself encouraged this morning to worship the Lord in spirit and in truth, and may you be challenged to grow faithful and knowledgeable according to the Word of God!
Posted by
5:53 AM